Monday, January 19, 2009

Let It Snow!

Yes, you are reading the blog you thought you were reading.
(The little girls are my nieces!)
Yes, you do see SIX children playing in the snow.
(Which means, yes, I really did bundle up six kids into all that STUFF!)
Yes, she is beautiful!
(And yes, I may be a little biased but doesn't she just make the prettiest little snow princess you ever saw, especially in the Pokemon boots she had to borrow:)!
Yes, my oldest is taking the baby girl for a long walk!
(She is his little sweetheart, and he is mine, just don't tell his friends!)
Yes, isn't Jack's hat just too cute?
And finally, yes, there are not many pictures of Matt and Tucker because they needed to hit the slopes!
(No time to pose for Mom right then!)
Precious children, precious moments, precious memories!
(Now mom needs some precious Ibuprofen and some precious sleep!:)

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