Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bouncing Baby Boy!

Ok, well, he really isn't a baby anymore, but I thought the title was cute! Tucker saw the Summer Olympics and wanted to try gymnastics so he started classes in the fall and joined the team last month. He had his first meet today and had a great time! He competed in the DoubleMini and Trampoline and got three medals today! I am just pleased to see him enjoying himself and trying something new and working hard at it. He got up in front of a lot of people for the first time, nervous, and gave a solid performance of his current skills, that is quite the accomplishment right there to me. I am also pleased that he has not backed off from something he wants to do after getting a little bit of teasing about being a boy doing a sport where he is a little outnumbered by the young ladies! I think gymnasts, male or female, are amazing athletes!

Who knew all that baby bouncing would turn into such mad skills?!:)

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