Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tucker reading me his interpretation of a list of "cool facts":

"Goats pee on their heads because it attracts women."

Me: "Well, you must mean female goats, not women."

Tucker: "That is what I meant, women goats."
Cutting Jack's fingernails: "Are you going to cut my nailfoots too?"

Nick interrupted Jack watching his show. Jack loudly protested and Nick came downstairs to the kitchen where I was. Shortly after, here comes Jack.

"I thought you were watching your show, Jack."

Jack: "I know, but I came down here to give Nick WHAT FOR?" And he proceeded to give Nick what for in a very firm manner.

He sure doesn't take anything off his big "brudders"!

Monday, November 16, 2009

While dozing off, laying next to me:

"I just love sweeping with my toys, AND my mom!

While playing with two different versions of Astroboy from McDonald's, using his voice for both:

"I get to go first!"

"No, I do, 'cause I can fly!"

"Well, I can shoot!"

Wonder where he gets this? Two very similar appearing boys competing over who goes first? Naw, couldn't happen at the Ellis house!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More Jack

"My back itches but my arm is too little to scratch it!"

"Ouch! My one foot stepped on my other foot!"

He is keeping me busy recording all his great statements, but I want to be able to remember them!
Me to Jack this morning after being gone so much this week to a conference: "Can we just snuggle ALL DAY?"

Jack: "We can just snuggle EVERY DAY!"